Learn The Benefits of Hemp Seed Oil For Your Good Health
Hemp seed oil is obtained from the seed of the hemp plant. The hemp plant is the name given to cannabis plants with little to no THC Content. The hemp seeds are cold-pressed to produce hemp oil, one of the most diverse and nutritionally healthy oils available. These seeds do not produce the famous cannabis ‘high.’ Hemp seed oil is gaining popularity because of its multiple health benefits.
Hemp seeds do not contain as many phytochemicals as the plant itself, but they have a rich profile of nutrients, fatty acids, and valuable bioactive minerals and vitamins. The oil is famous because of its nutrition and general health benefits. It comprises healthy protein, fatty acids, and carbohydrates. The health effects of hemp seed oil are linked to the 3:1 ratio of linoleic (LA) and a-linolenic acid (LNA).

Health benefits of hemp seed oil:
1. Hormone Balance
The hemp seed oil contains GLA (gamma-linoleic acid), which is required to synthesize prostaglandins, compounds similar to hormones that contribute to many body functions. Scientists have discovered that supplementing with GLA may improve hormone health and reduce the signs associated with PMS, like menstrual cramps. There is subjective evidence that advocates that hemp seed oil may reduce breast swelling, tenderness, and feelings of depression and irritability.
It also improves the hormone health in older women passing through menopause and reduces their irritability, hot flashes, and depression. Studies show that supplements with fatty acid GLA do not produce any side effects.
2. Promotes Heart Health
Hemp seed oil improves heart health through various mechanisms and contains high levels of the essential fatty acids omega-6 and 3 in the ratio 3:1. Studies have observed that the ratio should never exceed 4:1, which means that 3:1 is a perfect ratio for our health. These essential fatty acids help reduce the cholesterol levels in the blood due to their β-sitosterols content, which helps prevent diseases.

Hemp seed oil is also a good source of GLA(Gamma-Linolenic Acid). It is rich in the enzyme lipase, which is excellent non-invasive chelation therapy for removing plaque build-up from cell membranes and the blood vessels. This way it promotes heart health and prevents heart disease.
3. Assists in Weight Loss
GLA found in hemp seeds helps to reduce sugar cravings and is a natural appetite suppressant that helps in weight loss as you take in fewer calories.
As hemp seed oil is rich in GLA, and it helps to reduce weight by preventing the regaining of weight, recent analysis shows that formerly obese individuals consuming GLA supplements for a year have gained back less weight.